More Good Stuff From Chicago

BlogHer '07 I'm  Speaking

Hurray!  I just learned this morning that I’m going to be a speaker/panelist for the BlogHer blogging conference in Chicago July 27-29 2007.  What an extraordinary honor to be on the same roster as people like Esther Dyson, Gina Trapani, Liz Strauss, Penelope Trunk and Wendy Piersall, to name just a smattering of fellow panelists and speakers across two days of stuff-your-brain bloggy discussions (and of course, men are welcome, too.)

I’ll be on a panel in the morning of Day One — the topic is “Finding and Following Your Passion.”  Shouldn’t have any problem talking about that topic, eh? 🙂  Even better is that one of the other panelists is Christine Kane.  She’s a musician and blogger, and I happened to meet her at the SOBCon 07 blogging conference last month.  What goes around, comes around in the blogosphere. 

The other panelist with us (more may be added; not sure how that all works) is Carmen Stacier, who’s passionate about not eating junk and moving your bod.  Hopefully she can teach me how to stay focused and passionate in that area.

Won’t you join us in Chicago?  There’s even childcare….what a deal.

BlogHer '07 Fun

Technorati tags: travel, family travel, blogging, BlogHer