Our internal links and Search are borked

Just made the most unpleasant discovery that many of the internal links to about two years of Family Travel posts are FUBAR (did you ever wonder what that means? It’s “F*d Up Beyond All Recognition.” I like to teach things even when tearing my hair out.)

This probably has something to do with our recent upgrade to a better version of WordPress, the our blogging software, because the most recent posts seem to be OK. It also looks like it has something to do with my categories & subcategories going haywire.

Since we’re borked, (a more polite and techy term) that means that if a link to a specific FT post comes up on Google, or I link to it in another FT post, or you click on it over on the Favorite Posts section to the right, you will end up on the front page of the blog, not at the specific post that you were looking for.

(Update at 1:09 pm:  tech assist helped me fix the Favorite Posts links – yay!) 

This is a Bad Thing.

If you look for something on the right side of the blog under Categories, it seems to work, but that obviously makes it a hassle for my readers to have to hunt and peck. They’ll just give up and leave (unless they’re my Mom, or one of my close friends, who will pick up the phone and call me and tell me politely that the blog is, well, FUBAR.)

Rest assured that the Boot Boyz tech assist folks are laboring away on the problem (thank you!) and we’ll have our site navigation sorted soon.